P.1 J. Krmela (Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín), A. Artyukhov (Sumy State University), V. Krmelová (Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín) and O. Pozovnyi (Sumy State University)

Determination of Material Parameters of Rubber and Composites for Computational Modeling Based on Experiment Data


P.2 A. Radionov (LLC Ferrohydrodynamica), A. Podoltsev (NASU Institute of Electrodynamics), A. Radionova (LLC Ferrohydrodynamica)

Magnetic field in the core of a magnetic fluid seal taking magnetic structural elements into account  


P.3 V. Martsynkovskyy, S. Hudkov, A. Zahorulko (Sumy State University) and Cz. Kundera (Kielce University of Technology)

Dynamics of impulse seals with tubular feeders


P.4 A. Zahorulko, V. Izemenko (Sumy State University), Vas. Martsynkovskyy (TRIZ LTD), Y.-B. Lee (Korea institute of Science and Technology)

CFD analysis of leakage rate and rotordynamic characteristics of labyrinth-scallop seals


P.5 A. Zahorulko, D. Kayota (Sumy State University), Vas. Martsynkovskyy (TRIZ LTD), J. Bouyer, N. Brunetiere (Institute PPrime of University of Poitiers)

Investigation of the effect of oil scrapers on the thermal state and bearing capacity of a tilting pad thrust bearing


P.6 A. Voloshina, A. Panchenko, O. Titova, I. Panchenko (Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University)

Changes in the dynamics of the output characteristics of mechatronic systems with planetary hydraulic motors